Make A Human Connection


Greetings Fellow Video Marketers!

When it comes down to it, if we like someone, we become engaged and we are more likely to listen to what they have to say. An old sales executive friend of mine always said “People buy from people they like.” I believe this to be true.

When Viewstream was preparing to shoot a video to show off Cray Supercomputer’s manufacturing facilities, we were working from a script. We were planning on conducting a couple of interviews to provide clips to support a voice over artist in the final video. However, as soon as I spoke to the factory staff I knew we had to have them tell the story. They pour their heart and soul into their work. I think you’ll agree, they tell the story better than anyone, and you can tell they really care about their work.

If you are interested in seeing how to market to beings and not bots – send me an email! I would love to discuss what Viewstream can do for you.

Greetings Fellow Video Marketers!

We have a lot of metrics these days – way too many metrics. We can get caught up in the magic of Marketing Automation to the point we forget that people aren’t automated. We have such a need to get the word out, sometimes we forget that the delivery system can be just as important as your message.

So how does a company deliver its marketing message without sounding like we want them to drink our kool-aid? When it comes to delivering an honest, sincere, believable message, no one can help you like your successful customer. You’ve changed the way they work. They love it! Let them be the voice that spreads the good word.

Autodesk asked us to work with PCL construction to tell the story of their BIM 360 product in use.

If your customer doing something life changing, or of general human interest with your product – you have struck gold! As an example, check out this video for the foundation of the Microsoft Cloud – Windows Azure.

If you are interested in seeing how to market to beings and not bots – send me an email! I would love to discuss what Viewstream can do for you.



Greetings Fellow Video Marketers!

You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t realize the effectiveness of video in your campaigns and sales numbers, but what makes a good marketing video? We’re all constantly bombarded with requests to watch a product demo, pitch or overview, sometimes it can be overwhelming to know what type of video would be effective for your own particular needs. At Viewstream, while we see and deliver the benefits of marketing automation, we also realize you are selling to beings, not bots. Bots just do math, which can be interesting to a nerd such as myself, but human beings need more than numbers to make an intelligent purchase decision.

Really there are only a few essential considerations, the most important of which, I believe, is watch-ability. Obviously, your video cannot be effective if no one watches it, or “tunes out” even if your metrics show the video was played from beginning to end.

The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that someone will watch your video just because you made it, or worse, paid a lot for it. With so many ways for our potential customers to distract themselves these days we need people to WANT to watch our video, or even leave them wanting to see more similar videos.

Sure, a potential customer may need to decide on a product or service to complete their project, but that doesn’t mean when you show your product features it has to be in a boring sales guy webex, or worse, an edited on demand webex. Check out what we did for a Microsoft / Toshiba joint project. You’ll get to see the features our clients wanted to share with potential customers, and the videos high level of watch-ability might keep you watching all five of the series:

The original series of five was so successful, they inspired Microsoft and Toshiba to bring back Kyle for another series!

If you are interested in seeing how to market to beings and not bots – send me an email! I would love to discuss what Viewstream can do for you.

Adventures with Lynn Allen


If you ever get the chance to have a sit down with Lynn Allen, take it.  Over the last couple of days, I have been working with Lynn on the creation of the AutoCAD 2010 demo.  Aside from the opportunity to be part of the promotion of one of the most revered software products in human history, I got to hang with Lynn.  We built the demo as we went – who needs scripts – right?

Check out what Lynn had to say about our adventure: