Viewstream, the business transformation agency, received numerous accolades from the 17th annual AVA Digital Awards. The AVA Digital Awards, a highly acclaimed international competition that recognizes creative excellence for the planning, concept, direction, design, and production of digital communication, presented Viewstream with five AVA Digital Awards and three honorable mentions this year.

Among tens of thousands of entries, Viewstream was recognized for engaging E-Books, interactive websites, informative content, and more. Viewstream was presented with two Platinum Awards and three Gold Awards for 2024.

“We firmly believe in marketing’s potential to inspire, engage, and drive meaningful impact,” stated John Assalian, Managing Partner of Viewstream. “The recognition we’ve received through these awards underscores our team’s commitment to pushing boundaries, delivering excellence, and achieving outstanding results for our clients.”

Viewstream AVA Awards for 2024

Platinum Awards (2)

Adobe x Wunderman Thompson: Unlock and Deliver Dynamic Content Faster | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | White paper

Unanet: How Businesses are Driving Growth and Efficiency | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | E-Book

Gold Awards (3)

Sharp Decisions: Insights Page for 2023 Content | Digital Marketing |Content Writing | Blog Writing

Above is a header image from one of the many engaging blog posts created for Sharp Decisions. Read the story here.

Data Color: Why Can’t We Agree on Color Website | Web-Based Production | Web Element | Landing Page

Reputation: A Guide to Competitive Intelligence | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | E-Book 

Honorable Mentions (3)

Autodesk: Secure Collaboration Infographic | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | Infographic

Palo Alto: Zero Trust Webpage | Web-Based Production | Web Element | Landing Page

Adobe x Accenture: Customer Acquisition for Property and Casualty Insurance | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | Interactive Content Marketing

About the AVA Digital Awards

AVA Digital Awards honors the evolving ways and means that we engage our audiences through the creative convergence of digital arts, technology, and information. The foundation for the Awards began in 1994 as a celebration of the audio-visual arts. Over the years, AVA’s categories changed to recognize the expanding role that digital media and the web were playing in the transfer of information.

Now, through the internet and digital’s interactive capabilities, communication professionals are no longer just pushing their messages, they are responding to the user’s actions to provide information when, where and however they want it.

About Viewstream

Viewstream is the business transformation agency that believes marketing can move the world. We provide full-service, B2B marketing services for leading clients like Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, UPS, and more. Visit to see more of our award-winning work. Get in touch with us for your next digital marketing project here.

MOA, or Mode of Action, videos are typically straightforward, seeking to explain how a drug or medical device interacts within the human body. Viewstream is taking things a step further. 

Viewstream has elevated the MOA video genre with our latest video for Elixir Medical Corporation’s DynamX Coronary Bioadaptor. The DynamX Coronary Bioadaptor is a landmark product for Elixir, restoring blood flow to blocked blood vessels. We showcased the DynamX Coronary Bioadaptor in striking 3D animation to expose the world to Elixir’s true feat in modern medicine. 

We combined the wonders of the natural world with the marvels of modern medicine, connecting beautiful brand creative to the clinical benefits of Elixir’s bioadaptor. We featured natural and abstract imagery with technical explanations of the DynamX Bioadaptor features as part of a holistic brand upgrade and series of microsites. 

Inspired by the cover art from esteemed science journals like Nature Medicine, Viewstream blended Elixir’s brand, newly created by Viewstream, with breathtaking sights of the natural world that transform from riverbeds to blood vessels. By connecting the shared geography of Earth’s waterways and the human vascular system, Viewstream fully immerses viewers in the video creative.  

Viewstream created scientifically accurate visuals of human anatomy combined with detailed MOA animation for a realistic portrayal of the DynamX Bioadaptor in action – all while providing cinematic audio and an engaging voiceover to elevate the audience experience further. 

Creative Director Joel Yabrudy approached the project from a new angle. “Like other medical animation videos we’ve created, we had to decide where and how to take creative freedom. No technology allows us to visualize the human body in a detailed, cinematic manner, so we have to make it up and do so in the most medically accurate way possible.” 

Viewstream serves a wide variety of partners, but when it comes to pharmaceutical and healthcare brands, we take a complete history to successfully communicate medical products and services with appealing and easy-to-understand visuals that are built to engage and inform your audience. 

To get in touch with Viewstream for your next MOA video, or any other creative service, contact us here. 

The imperative role of SEO for any business, by now, is self-evident. There are quite literally millions of resources available about what SEO is, how to do it, and why it matters. Everyone’s read or written at least one of those resources. 

Where most companies go wrong is failing to connect the dots of fundamentals and strategy; that strategy needs to be specific to their goals, niche, and more importantly, the valuable actions they need web visitors to take. 

Traffic is nice, sure, but you’re not taking sessions to the bank, and time on a page doesn’t show up in your P&L. 

In this article, we’ll go beyond the basics of SEO and drill down into the unique considerations that enterprise healthcare companies have in the implementation and strategy phases. 

The Significance of SEO in Healthcare (and Everywhere)

Even if we go beyond the obvious, there are some universal truths for SEO—many of which may even be more important considerations for enterprise healthcare. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Everyone is online, including your target market.
  • A well-optimized, authoritative website establishes you as a source of credible information. It’s almost like a business card, and even if people don’t spend much time, reaching a site that looks credible removes an obstacle for you in the consideration phase of the customer journey.
  • Healthcare content is tough to rank for. Not only is the market saturated with companies like yours competing for the same terms, but you also have to compete with .orgs and .govs for many of the fundamental keyword phrases. Low-hanging-fruit types of wins early on matter a lot.
  • ROI is high, and strategy can require ongoing course correction. This means when you hit a home run, you keep that winner forever, but you’re not burning dollars on the input while you find them.

Major SEO Challenges for Enterprise Healthcare Businesses

There are certainly technical considerations—the “how” of it all—here, and we’ll cover those later. We work with a lot of enterprises across a massive, diverse healthcare niche, but a common denominator we’ve seen precedes optimization, keyword research, and even the website itself. 

Defining the actions that make your funnel profitable, and building your strategy, website, content, and everything else around that is the single most important starting point. 

Many companies benefit from strong brand awareness, or years of ongoing SEO work, and therefore see stronger than average site authority, or lots of web traffic. Somehow, they still find themselves scratching their heads and wondering why that value isn’t shaking out in the revenue reports.

Start With a Decision Tree

“If someone visits my website, what’s the most valuable action they can take?” 

This isn’t always cut and dry. In SaaS, demos or trials are obvious. For eCommerce, the goal is sales. 

In healthcare, you often see a parent website for dozens, even hundreds, of subsidiaries. Many are information hubs that funnel down to more well-defined websites or contribute to brand awareness for the portfolio. 

Even more commonly, a significant portion of the traffic a site gets will be informational searches from the patient demographic, but the most valuable conversion point is only relevant to 5% of visitors who might be prospective partners or clients. 

When these companies start doing SEO, everything feels like grasping at straws because they’re investing time and/or money to make it work, but there’s really no quantifiable “why”. The content is great, and the visitors come, but no one has a sense of what success looks like. 

A simple decision tree exercise can clarify this and bolster a long-term strategy for success. 

Ask Yourself:

  • What do I need more of? 
  • Is my website doing all it can to help people take that action? 
  • Am I ranking for the keywords that those people are searching for? 

These are high-level and naturally tangential questions, but they are fundamental in leading you to a more successful output when you begin implementing your strategy. 

Bringing It Together in Your Implementation

Now that we understand the common pitfalls and unique considerations of SEO in healthcare, let’s explore the key strategies to boost your online visibility and attract more of the visitors you need.

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Start by identifying the keywords and phrases that prospects are likely to use when searching for services like yours. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you discover relevant keywords and assess their search volume.

There’s a wealth of specifics on keyword research online, but for the enterprise health sector, a few creative adaptations of those basics will go a long way. 

What happens when no one looks for what you offer? 

Here’s an example: Someone might specialize in network management from the business side, but the only search volume for that is either irrelevant (IT-focused intent), or commonly associated with some kind of specific software. What you actually want is a VP-level check-signer that needs to partner with someone like you. 

Good luck finding the magic keyword for that. 

Instead, really get into the head of that check-signer. When they’re interested in the thing you do, what are some related articles they might be searching for? Stats, how-to, and what-is types of articles in your niche that are easier to rank for, but primarily trafficked by the people you want more of, are the golden ticket. 

How do you avoid mass local- or consumer-level searches? 

Your niche might be something like physical therapy, but all of your niche keywords end up being people searching for local physical therapists, for example. 

Try adding variations like “for [niche]” or “enterprise” to drill down further. You might be discouraged when search volume goes from hundreds to dozens, but in most cases, 10 amazingly qualified visitors are more valuable than 1,000 unqualified ones. 

2. Quality Content

Content is king in the world of SEO, and healthcare businesses are no exception. Create informative, engaging, and well-researched content that addresses the questions and concerns of your target audience. This content can take various forms, including blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics.

Remember to optimize your content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords naturally. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings and readability. Additionally, ensure that your content is medically accurate and adheres to industry standards.

You’d be surprised how many competitive keywords are ranking pages that are content thin, simply because no one else has bothered to develop out the niche. 

Go see what you can do better than the competitors, .orgs, and .govs and make a page that’s miles better.

3. Keep the Technical In Order

There’s nothing fancy or unique in the healthcare world in this regard. Again, there’s a wealth of specific information, all of which can be their own article, about what technical SEO entails. 
No matter what niche you’re in, try to do at least quarterly check-ins on the basics, with heavy emphasis on a few of the big ones:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Site speed and performance
  • Clearly defined calls to action (CRO)
  • Internal linking
  • 404 management
  • Image alt text
  • Sitemap and robots.txt updates

4. Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. These backlinks signal to search engines that your website is a trustworthy source of information. Here are some strategies for effective link-building:

If you’re here already, you’re probably researching tactics for this by now (if you’re not, you definitely should). There are a few helpful tricks you can leverage in the competitive healthcare spaces, though. 

Firstly, run a report on the top 5-10 websites that rank for your target keywords; you can use a tool like Semrush for this. Find out what their authority scores are and how many backlinks they’ve got, and set a goal around that. 

Always go for quality vs. quantity. Use ongoing reporting to judge how much your backlinks are helping you, forecast what the long-term input will be to reach your competitor’s level, and work on overtaking them. 

Take it slow at first; backlinks can be expensive and time-consuming. If done poorly, they can work against you. 

How to Get There

Whether you go in-house or outsource to a vertical expert like us, keep these fundamental strategies in mind before you make those decisions. 

Whoever is ultimately responsible for driving results should help you clarify and creatively execute a roadmap but still understand your fundamental needs before you get started. Clarifying those needs, then, becomes the obvious step one. 

More importantly, define how you measure success. We spent a lot of time talking about how visitors don’t equal revenue, but visitors might be a genuinely strong KPI for you to optimize against. 

Success could be leads, too, or revenue, or anything else. Whatever it is, make sure you find the baseline of where you’ve been in rolling 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24-month time periods. Align on why that KPI matters and where it should be, then measure against that. 

You’ll save yourself the frustration of asking “Is this working?” months into your SEO journey and empower your team to make informed, data-driven decisions to serve that goal. 

Finally, if you’re feeling stuck, let’s talk shop! We do this well, and our team is happy to discuss strategic options to level up your digital presence. 

In the realm of modern marketing, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, B2B video marketing emerges as the herald of engagement, a potent tool that captivates, educates, and influences. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the dynamic world of B2B video marketing, why it’s a game-changer, and the strategies that can elevate your brand’s presence in the digital age.

What Is B2B Video Marketing and Why Is It Valuable?

B2B video marketing is the strategic creation of videos that target and engage audiences, with the goal of generating leads and promoting B2B businesses.

According to Contentsquare’s Digital Experience Benchmark report, the average time on a page across all industries is 54 seconds. However, this figure shouldn’t be treated as a universal standard. It’s contextual and varies based on factors like industry and webpage type.

In this context, B2B stands out with the highest average time spent on a page: 1.37 minutes. This data highlights the importance of using industry-specific benchmarks for average time on a page.

So why is B2B video marketing worth every penny in today’s landscape? Simply put, it’s a phenomenon that defies the conventional and captivates the contemporary consumer. Here’s why:

Engagement Amplified: Our brains process visual information faster than text, making videos a captivating choice. Video content seamlessly combines visuals, sound, and emotion, creating an immersive experience that holds viewers’ focus. Research even suggests that video content can increase engagement by up to 50%.

Versatility Beyond Compare: The power of videos lies in their flexibility. From compelling brand narratives to showcasing intricate product details, hosting webinars, or offering behind-the-scenes glimpses, videos cover a diverse spectrum of B2B communication requirements.

Mastering the Art of Storytelling: Beyond conveying information, videos weave stories. Storytelling establishes a profound connection, rendering your brand more relatable and tapping into your audience’s emotions.

ROI Amplified: Investing in video marketing isn’t a mere expenditure; it’s a strategic investment with far-reaching dividends. Elevated engagement, soaring click-through rates, and enhanced conversions combine to deliver a robust ROI.

Leveraging B2B Video Marketing: Strategies That Ignite Success

  1. The Power of Explainer Videos: In the complex B2B landscape, explaining intricate solutions or processes can be a challenge. Enter explainer videos – concise, engaging, and effective tools to distill complex concepts into digestible visual narratives.
  1. Product Demos that Speak Volumes: In B2B, showcasing your products’ capabilities is paramount. Product demo videos take prospects on a journey, showcasing functionalities, features, and benefits while leaving a lasting impact.
  1. Webinars: Webinars have emerged as a treasure trove of B2B lead generation that unveils expertise and nurtures leads. Educate your audience, showcase your industry insights, and build trust, all while nurturing valuable leads.
  1. Customer Testimonials: Nothing resonates more than authentic voices singing praises. Customer testimonial videos provide a glimpse into real-world success stories, creating a compelling argument for potential clients.
  1. Personalized Messages for Personalized Connections: Personalized videos addressed to key stakeholders create an instant rapport. Acknowledge their pain points, offer tailored solutions, and demonstrate that you’re attuned to their needs.
  1. Animated Infographics: Visualize Data Brilliance: In the data-rich B2B environment, conveying insights can be daunting. Animated infographics transform complex data into visually appealing narratives, simplifying comprehension.
  1. Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: B2B relationships thrive on transparency. Offer behind-the-scenes glimpses of your processes, showcasing your dedication, expertise, and the human faces behind your brand.

Investment That Resonates Across Marketing Strategy Arms

Investing in B2B video marketing reverberates across your entire marketing strategy, enhancing every avenue:

Paid Advertising Magic: If your video ad doubles engagement, you’re on the path to doubling conversions. The investment in video translates into exponential returns in paid advertising, enhancing your reach and efficacy.

Website Conversion: Landing pages with videos witness higher conversions, presenting information in an engaging manner. Engaged visitors are more likely to take desired actions, converting leads into clients.

Social Media: Social media thrives on visual content. Videos capture attention in feeds, garnering more shares and engagements, fostering brand loyalty, and expanding your reach.

Emails That Truly Connect: Including the word “video” in your email subject line boosts open rates and click-through rates. Engage your audience with video content that leads to deeper exploration.

Elevate Your B2B Brand With Viewstream

B2B video marketing is more than a trend; it’s a strategy that’s reshaping how brands communicate and connect. By embracing the power of video, you’re embracing engagement, authenticity, and innovation. 

As the digital age evolves, B2B video marketing stands as your brand’s ticket to not just survival but to a thriving landscape driven by visuals, emotions, and connections. It’s not just a tool; it’s your brand’s voice in a dynamic digital world. Partner with Viewstream to create B2B video content that is tailored to your precise needs. 

Viewstream, the Brand to Demand Agency, received a gold award at the 29th Annual DotCOMM Awards. The DotCOMM Awards is an international competition honoring excellence in web creativity and digital communication. The competition is unique in that it reflects the role of creatives in the dynamic web that is transforming how we market and communicate products and services. 

Among thousands of entries, Viewstream was recognized for its digital marketing work supporting the products and brands for Deloitte Digital and Adobe. These companies partnered up to communicate their Omnichannel Customer Journey joint solution that can help optimize sales and marketing expenses in the Healthcare industry.  

Viewstream developed a digital marketing campaign to drive webinar registrations for Adobe and Deloitte Digital using an account-based marketing approach. We used various channels to promote the webinar, such as email marketing, social media, and third-party publishers to deliver compelling messaging and creative to potential prospects. 

Webinar Creative and Metrics 

About The DotComm Awards 

DotCOMM Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), one of the largest, oldest, and most respected evaluators of creative work in the marketing and communication industry. 

Since its inception in 1994, AMCP has judged over 200,000 entries throughout the world. Two of AMCP’s competitions, MarCom Awards and Hermes Creative Awards, each attract about 6,000 entries per year. 

About Viewstream 

Viewstream is the brand-to-demand agency that believes marketing can move the world. We provide full-service, B2B marketing services for leading clients like Microsoft, Deloitte Digital, Adobe, Autodesk, UPS, and more. If you would like to schedule an interview with the CEO of Viewstream, John Assalian, please email  

See all of the award-winning Viewstream campaign work here and get in touch today for your next award-winning marketing campaign! 

Ignyte AI, a division of Kingsley Gate recruiters, has embarked on a groundbreaking mission to revolutionize the recruitment industry with their innovative AI-powered recruiting software. To bring their vision to life, they turned to the creative expertise of Viewstream to share their vision for the future of talent acquisition.

The Challenge: Reimagining Recruitment for a Digital Age

Ignyte AI knew that presenting their breakthrough technology required an equally dynamic and compelling marketing strategy. The software was designed to streamline the hiring process, transforming the way multi-incumbency roles are filled by embracing video resumes and text-based communication instead of traditional PDFs and emails. This more modern approach requires a captivating video to resonate with today’s tech-savvy and on-the-go job seekers.

Viewstream’s Solution: A Kinetic Journey of Innovation

Armed with Ignyte AI’s brand elements and ambitious vision, Viewstream set out to create an engaging video that would illustrate the power of AI in revolutionizing the recruitment process. The result is a fast-paced, kinetic masterpiece that weaves together captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and a youthful tone. The video conveys the promise of a novel recruiting solution that caters to the contemporary needs of job seekers, communicating the platform’s efficiency, ease of use, and relevance in today’s fast-paced digital world.

The Impact: Empowering Talent Acquisition for the Future

The collaboration between Ignyte AI and Viewstream proved to be a game-changer in the recruitment arena. The video positions Ignyte AI as pioneers in the AI-powered recruiting space. Through persuasive storytelling and visual expertise, Ignyte AI successfully launched their AI recruiting software, redefining how businesses attract and hire top talent in multi-incumbency roles. Their innovative solution resonates with audiences, positioning them as a fresh face in the often staid world of the recruitment industry.

The Future of Recruitment: Powered by Ignyte AI and Viewstream

The success of the AI recruiting software marked the beginning of a transformative journey for Ignyte AI, made possible by the collaborative spirit with Viewstream. As Ignyte AI continues to revolutionize recruitment with its cutting-edge technology, Viewstream stands proud as the driving force behind its compelling and engaging marketing campaign.

Unlock Increased Engagement With Viewstream 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your marketing campaigns? Check out Viewstream’s B2B marketing services and explore how our creative expertise and persuasive storytelling can elevate your brand and drive exceptional results. Let us be your partner in crafting captivating marketing strategies that leave a lasting impact.

Cisco Meraki ABM Campaign

Embark on a tailored adventure through our exclusive Hybrid Work ABM campaign for Cisco, Cisco Meraki, and Presidio aimed at their top-tier clients. The campaign marries the theme of Hybrid Work (working from home, office, or remote location) with the global workforce’s general love of coffee. Delve into a realm of personalized landing pages, stimulating content, and engaging virtual events while celebrating a shared love of coffee.

The campaign will last one year, concluding in December 2023, and each strategic account has opted into a coffee of the month club offered by the Cisco, Cisco Meraki, and Presidio partnership. Every month a different coffee and coffee-related swag item (such as a French press, a cold-brew system, an Ember mug, etc.) is sent out to the primary targets for each account. 

The box includes a postcard with a unique QR code that takes the target to their respective personalized landing page. Each month the landing page is updated with new content for that month. 

As the driving force behind this immersive campaign, Viewstream worked hand in hand with Cisco, Cisco Meraki, and Presidio to create an engaging and interactive experience showcasing the partnership’s transformative potential. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of the Hybrid Work ABM Campaign, where imagination and technology come together.

Unveiling Cisco Meraki’s Vision

Cisco Meraki has long been synonymous with cutting-edge networking solutions that bridge the gap between IT infrastructure, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the physical environment. Their mission is to enable businesses to unleash their full potential by leveraging advanced technology in unprecedented ways. 

With a focus on cloud-managed products like wireless access points, switches, security appliances, and mobile device management, Cisco Meraki empowers organizations to streamline their networks and elevate their operations to new heights.

Viewstream’s Role in Crafting the Campaign 

As a strategic and creative partner, Viewstream was entrusted with bringing Cisco Meraki’s vision to life through a one-of-a-kind ABM campaign. Working alongside Cisco and Presidio, Viewstream created an engaging and youthful campaign that told the story of how Cisco Meraki’s revolutionary cloud-first solutions and Presidio’s services are boosting productivity and security by embracing the future of hybrid work. 

An Immersive Landing Page Experience

Central to the success of the Cisco Meraki ABM Campaign was the personalized landing page designed for each target account. With creativity and technical expertise, Viewstream collaborated with Cisco and Presidio to develop an ever-evolving landing page that is updated with fresh content every month. Harnessing the power of QR codes, the postcard included in the coffee package led targets to their exclusive landing page, where they discovered new insights, articles, and interactive content tailored to their specific interests.

The Perfect Blend of Content and Engagement

The month of May was pivotal for the campaign, where the landing page took a unique turn. The Cisco Meraki ABM Campaign went beyond offering delightful coffee packages and engaging landing pages. In lieu of traditional content pieces, targets were invited to an unforgettable virtual event – an immersive experience that mirrored Cisco Meraki’s vision for innovation that included a barista demonstrating how to use the French press and other coffee-related tips. The landing page allowed participants to rate their coffee each month.

A key component of the campaign was the ability to reveal valuable insights, encourage active participation, and get feedback from the target audience. This interactive feature not only enhanced the bond between Cisco Meraki and its strategic accounts but also highlighted the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and customer-centricity.


As of July, the Hybrid Work ABM campaign has generated 190 pipeline opportunities for the partnership worth an estimated $8.5M, of which 29 opportunities have closed. The client is thrilled with the success and is submitting the campaign to Cisco’s Marketing Velocity Innovator Awards. The winners receive recognition at Cisco’s Partner Summit.

Beyond December 2023: Where Imagination Meets Transformation

The Cisco Meraki ABM Campaign is not just a year-long endeavor; it is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovative marketing. As Viewstream continues to partner with Cisco Meraki, this campaign lays the groundwork for even more immersive and personalized experiences. As the campaign continues to delight and inspire strategic accounts, the story of Cisco Meraki’s success will undoubtedly shape the future of B2B marketing. 

Visit the Hybrid Work ABM Campaign and indulge in a year-long adventure that fuels innovation and networking excellence.

Experience the Power of Personalized Marketing with Viewstream!

Elevate your marketing campaigns to new heights with Viewstream as your strategic partner. Unlock the potential of personalized and imaginative storytelling that resonates with your audience. Explore our services and collaborate with our expert team to craft captivating narratives that drive engagement and transform your brand’s narrative. Let’s create a future where imagination meets transformation. Get in touch with us today!

Explore the Cancer Research Institute’s Timeline, a remarkable collaboration between CRI and Viewstream that brings the milestones of cancer immunotherapy to life. As a dedicated partner, Viewstream played a pivotal role in transforming CRI’s vision into an immersive experience that showcases the tireless efforts of scientists, researchers, patients, and advocates in the fight against cancer.

The Evolution of Cancer Immunotherapy

In the past decade, the fight against cancer has witnessed a profound transformation, offering hope and relief to patients and their families. The United States has seen a nearly one-third decline in cancer-related deaths, thanks to advances in treating cancer patients with immunotherapy, improved screening methods, and earlier diagnosis. Cancer immunotherapy has emerged as a beacon of hope for millions of patients worldwide, with its impact growing year after year.

Meticulously curated to showcase the institution’s landmark discoveries, scientific breakthroughs, and passionate individuals behind CRI’s illustrious history, this cleverly crafted timeline explores the pivotal moments that have shaped cancer immunotherapy into what it is today – a beacon of hope for cancer patients worldwide.

As we navigate through the historical tapestry, we invite you to bear witness to the collective achievements of a global community committed to a common cause. From the early stages of immunotherapy research to the cutting-edge clinical trials that hold promise for the future, the CRI Timeline offers an inspiring account of the triumphs, challenges, and unwavering dedication that define CRI’s mission.

Unraveling a Legacy 

When CRI sought to create an engaging and informative timeline to commemorate its 70th birthday and celebrate the progress in cancer immunotherapy, they turned to Viewstream. With a shared commitment to excellence and a passion for storytelling, Viewstream was determined to craft a digital masterpiece that would resonate with audiences and honor CRI’s legacy.

Viewstream’s creative team worked closely with CRI to understand their vision, goals, and desired user experience. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and an innovative approach to storytelling, Viewstream breathed life into CRI’s historical milestones, weaving together captivating narratives and rich multimedia elements.

From the inception of the project to its final execution, Viewstream’s expertise and dedication shone through. The result was an interactive and visually compelling timeline that not only celebrated CRI’s achievements but also educated visitors about the transformative effects of cancer immunotherapy.

By blending artistry and technical expertise, Viewstream seamlessly integrated captivating visuals and user-friendly navigation to provide an unforgettable experience for visitors. The CRI Timeline became a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity, showcasing how impactful partnerships can bring complex narratives to life in the digital landscape.

Uncover the stories that have shaped the course of cancer research and find inspiration in the pursuit of defeating cancer. Visit the CRI Timeline now and experience the evolution of cancer immunotherapy. 

Elevate Your Brand With Viewstream 

Ready to unlock the power of compelling marketing? Experience the dynamic world of Viewstream’s B2B marketing services and take your brand to new heights. Discover how you can elevate your business and captivate your audience. Explore our comprehensive marketing solutions and unleash the potential of your brand with Viewstream. 

seo for nonprofits

Did you know that there are over 1.7 million nonprofit organizations in the United States? With a steady growth rate of 1.4% per year over the past twenty years, nonprofits now make up more than 10% of all companies in the country and contribute roughly 6% to the US economy. Plus, the revenue generated by these organizations has skyrocketed from just over $1 trillion in 2000 to almost $3 trillion in 2023. For nonprofit organizations looking to increase their online presence, implementing effective SEO tips can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to optimizing for queries.

Nonprofit organizations are created to serve the community, bring about positive change, and contribute to the betterment of society. To accomplish this, they need to navigate the process of attracting, nurturing, and converting prospective donors.

This requires understanding the nuances of creating a strategic marketing plan to reach your target audience and achieve your goals. One vital component of any comprehensive marketing strategy is search engine optimization (SEO) and backlinks, including the use of popular platforms like WordPress.

SEO for nonprofits can help organizations increase their visibility, reach a broader audience, and drive more support from prospects that are actively looking for organizations like theirs. In this blog post, we will discuss keyword research and 2023 marketing trends for nonprofits and how nonprofit SEO can help them achieve their mission of creating a brighter tomorrow.

What Is SEO for Nonprofits, and Why Is It Important?

SEO is the process of improving your website’s online visibility and driving organic traffic through search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO can be achieved through a variety of tactics, including but not limited to optimizing your website content with relevant keywords, link building, and creating high-quality content that enhances user experience.

With so many nonprofits competing for attention, it can be hard to stand out. This is where SEO comes in. When someone searches for “donate to [your cause],” you want to be one of the first pages they see in the results. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can drive traffic and ultimately increase donations or conversions. 

Additionally, having a strong online presence can help establish credibility and trust with potential donors. While this is true for all businesses, donors are rightfully judicious about contributing to great organizations. Establishing an iron-clad digital presence helps prove to them that your nonprofit is trustworthy and established in technical SEO.

Do Non-profit Websites Need SEO?

Yes, non-profit websites need SEO to increase their visibility and attract donors, volunteers, and supporters. SEO can help non-profits rank higher in search engine results, drive more traffic to their website, and ultimately increase their impact and reach their goals.

Steps to Creating an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Nonprofit 

All roads lead to your bottom line: donations. Traffic is important, and you want to focus on getting more of it, but intent and quality should always be at the forefront. A great SEO strategy works from the bottom up, starting with the most important keywords that donors search for. 

But how exactly do you go about it? 

  • Identify Relevant Keywords: Keywords are the foundation of SEO, so it is essential to research relevant keywords that your target prospects are searching for. Start by identifying the keywords that represent your organization best, such as your mission, program, or services. Use SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or Semrush to identify popular keywords that people search for related to your organization. After you identify the keywords, you can optimize your website and the content around them.

    Don’t forget to be nimble, creative, and strategic. Your names and definitions may not always align with what users are searching for. Even further, your target keywords should have a mix of good volume, high intent, and achievability (keyword difficulty).

    If you’re stuck, see what competitors target, or even check out some suggestions at the bottom of a Google Search page when you type it in yourself.
  • Optimize Your Website: Ensure your website is responsive, user-friendly, and loads quickly. Simplify your website structure and navigation so that visitors can access the information they need quickly and easily. Optimize your website’s metadata with intentional titles, headers, and meta descriptions to make it easy for search engines to understand what your website is about. Use selected keywords in your website’s URL, title tags, headers, and content.
  • Produce Quality Content: Create content that provides value to your target audience, such as articles, blog posts, infographics, and videos. Ensure your content is optimized for your target keywords, engaging, informative, and relevant. By producing high-quality content that people want to engage with, you increase the likelihood of getting more traffic and rankings on search engines.

    Most importantly, write for people, not bots; keyword stuffing doesn’t win in the SEO world anymore. Google likes content that expands on tangential topics and fundamentally satisfies the search intent of the reader.
  • Connect with Other Relevant Websites: Reach out to other relevant websites and organizations, and offer to create content or guest posts. These websites should be related to your nonprofit’s mission and values and link back to your website ideally. By building relationships with them, you can open new audiences to otherwise inaccessible audiences, thereby driving more traffic to your website.
  • Analyze and Measure Your SEO Results: Analyzing your SEO results is essential to track your progress in building your nonprofit organization’s online visibility. Use Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor your website traffic, where it comes from, and how long visitors stay on the website. You can use SEO tools like Semrush or Moz to evaluate your website’s keyword rankings and see how it compares to competitors. Use this information to improve your SEO strategy continually and find new tactics that generate results.

Tips for Attracting Donors and Donor Retention

Remember, your positive impact can only be as big as the number of people you can reach. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to effectively attracting and converting prospective donors to further your cause and improve your website’s content and search engine rankings.

seo strategy for nonprofits

Get Specific

The nonprofit industry is all about serving the community and specific causes. Targeting a specific audience who shares the same values and beliefs is critical for any nonprofit organization. Define your mission and goals and create personas for your target audience. This way, you can understand their needs, assess their financial and geographic reach, and understand how you can best tailor your message to them. Local SEO can help your nonprofit organization reach your target audience in your local area and increase your visibility in search engine results. Mobile optimization is also crucial for nonprofits, as more and more people are accessing the internet through their mobile devices.


The nonprofit industry is about creating trust and transparency. Your content strategy should convey your organizational values, dedication, and transparency to the target audience. One way to do this is by actively engaging with the audience through search and social media, and by making yourself open to feedback and questions. Respond positively to criticisms and use them as feedback to improve your communication strategy.

Be Transparent and Accountable

People are more likely to connect with an organization when they feel like their resources are being used effectively. Highlight where the funding goes, where it comes from, and how the organization uses it to serve the community. Being transparent in financial and operational procedures will instill a sense of trust in the organization. Guest blogging can be a great way to showcase the organization’s expertise and reach a wider audience.

Create Powerful Stories

Storytelling evokes emotions and can help you connect with your audience on a personal level. Share stories about how your organization has impacted the community, create meaningful visuals, and show the impact of your organization’s work. People are more likely to invest in your cause when they can see the change your organization is creating and increase brand awareness through on-page optimization.

Build a Community

Creating a loyal community around your cause is powerful. You can connect with people who are passionate about making a difference and with whom you share a common vision. Create volunteer opportunities, volunteer programs, meetups, and events where people can connect and engage with your organization. This will help you create a community that is invested and passionate about your cause and can help you spread the word about your organization’s new content.

2023 Marketing Trends for Nonprofits 

Want to take your nonprofit to the next level? Stay ahead of the game by keeping up with the latest trends. We’ve done the research and uncovered insights on everything from social platforms to effective donating strategies. These 2023 nonprofit trends could revolutionize your approach. Don’t miss out on opportunities to grow and succeed. 

Optimize Your LinkedIn – With roughly 300 million active users each month, this social platform is a unique opportunity to shine a light on your nonprofit’s mission and build your professional network. Plus, with only 1% of users posting and 3 million users sharing content weekly, building up your profile and highlighting your nonprofit in your posts can bring great exposure.

One of the best ways to boost visibility on your LinkedIn profile is by using, you guess it, SEO. Optimizing your profile with the right keywords and phrases can increase your ranking and visibility in search results. That means more views, more connections, and more opportunities. Don’t miss out on the power of LinkedIn SEO. 

Donate Now, Pay Later Options – The “Buy Now, Pay Later” marketing approach has been on the rise over the last several years, with services like Paypal Pay-in-4, AfterPay, and Klarna becoming more popular. Nonprofits have taken the hint and started to implement them into their overall marketing strategies to attract different classes of donors. 

Imagine being able to donate to your favorite nonprofit or charity without worrying about immediate payment. With “Donate Now, Pay Later” fundraising platforms, you can do just that. It’s a seamless process that allows you to make a donation and pay for it later while the organization receives the funds upfront.

Upping Your SMS Communication Reach – Texting is impossible to ignore. Did you know that text messages are opened 98% of the time? Compared to the measly 21% open rate of emails, it’s clear why more nonprofits are turning to SMS for their fundraising efforts. But it’s not just about raising funds – texting creates a unique opportunity for communication with your audience, volunteers, and donors. You can send out a simple “thank you” text to your event volunteers or share photos with your donor list.   

Modernize Your Payment Methods – Cash and checks are no longer the preferred methods for charitable giving. According to Visa’s Payment Panel, there has been a 10% increase in card payments for donations in the past five years. This means more people are choosing to donate using debit and credit cards. Charities are keeping up with the trend by offering online contribution forms and even accepting donations via digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay. What’s even more exciting is that some charities now accept Bitcoin as payment. So, if you’re looking to make a difference, modernize your payment methods and capture a whole new generation of donors. 

Take Your Nonprofit to the Next Level with Viewstream     

By offering high-quality content and optimizing it around your target keywords, nonprofit organizations can create a sustainable, long-term approach to increase support at a higher rate than the competition. We have a long track record of driving marketing success in the nonprofit space, with campaigns tailored to the unique needs and goals of your organization.

Uncover a wealth of potential growth and increased donor engagement with Viewstream’s complete suite of SEO services. 

Will AI Save the World?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has some people worried about how it will affect industries and livelihoods across the world. In his article, “Why AI Will Save the World,” Marc Andreessen argues that AI will not destroy the world – it might in fact save it. 

Andreessen reminds his readers that AI is not sentient. It cannot decide on its own that it will turn against humanity to take over the world in some science fiction-style uprising. AI is code, mathematics, programmed. It has no mind of its own.  

One caveat of this reality is that while AI cannot turn against its masters of its own free will, it can be programmed to carry out the desires of its programmer – good or bad. This is true of any technology, however, and AI should not be feared for this reason. Computers have been used for cyber-crimes, yet we do not outlaw all computers or cull innovation on computing power, for example. 

With this understood, Andreessen lays out some AI use cases that are years away but could make our lives on Earth more efficient and smarter. While some of Andreessen’s predictions may seem to come out of a science fiction movie, the future of AI is truly unpredictable as we are currently experiencing the infancy of the technology. Who knows what the future holds? Here are some predictions he makes for how AI can maximize humanity: 

  • Every child will have an AI tutor that is infinitely patient, compassionate, knowledgeable, and helpful. 
  • Every person will have an AI assistant/coach/mentor/trainer/advisor/therapist that is infinitely patient, compassionate, knowledgeable, and helpful.  
  • Every scientist will have an AI assistant/collaborator/partner that will greatly expand their scope of scientific research and achievement.  
  • Every artist, every engineer, every businessperson, every doctor, every caregiver will have the same in their worlds. 
  • Every leader of people – CEO, government official, nonprofit president, athletic coach, teacher – will have the same. The magnification effects of better decisions by leaders across the people they lead are enormous, so this intelligence augmentation may be the most important of all. 
  • Productivity growth throughout the economy will accelerate dramatically, driving economic growth, creation of new industries, creation of new jobs, and wage growth, and resulting in a new era of heightened material prosperity across the planet. 
  • Scientific breakthroughs, new technologies, and medicines will dramatically expand, as AI helps us further decode the laws of nature and harvest them for our benefit. 

He claims, “Anything that people do with their natural intelligence today can be done much better with AI, and we will be able to take on new challenges that have been impossible to tackle without AI, from curing all diseases to achieving interstellar travel.”  

One important note to go along with Andreessen’s predictions is that, like in his definition of AI, we must remember that AI does not contain lived, human experiences. In the current state, it is a prediction model. It doesn’t “know” anything, understand, or contain humanity. To be “infinitely patient, compassionate, knowledgeable, and helpful” is vague and not realistic at the moment.  

In addition, “better decisions” is also up for debate. Because AI only understands what it is programmed to understand, would it be decided based on what it predicts the programmer would decide? Would this really be a “better” decision, or just take accountability away from humans should a decision turn sour? These are all theoretical situations that are important to think through while AI is booming and what the future holds. 

But what do you think, could AI provide these improvements to humanity? Do you agree with everything Andreessen predicts? The original article can be found here, where Andreessen dives deeper into debunking AI myths and risks while proposing what should be done in the near future to further develop AI.