In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their marketing efforts. AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent decisions has unlocked a myriad of innovative marketing use cases. Let’s explore how AI is revolutionizing marketing and empowering businesses to achieve unprecedented success. 

Personalized Customer Experience 

AI has transformed the customer experience with hyper-personalization. By analyzing customer data and behavior in real-time, AI-powered marketing platforms can deliver tailor-made content and product recommendations more efficiently than ever – boosting customer engagement and loyalty. 

Predictive Analytics 

AI-driven predictive analytics help businesses anticipate customer behavior, preferences, and trends. Marketers can predict customer churn, forecast demand, and optimize inventory management. This invaluable insight empowers marketers to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead in a fast-paced market. 

Content Creation and Curation 

Content is king in the digital world, and AI is redefining how it’s produced and curated. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI-powered content generation tools assist marketers in creating compelling blogs, articles, and social media posts.  

Chatbots and Customer Support 

AI-driven chatbots have revolutionized customer support by providing instant assistance 24/7. These intelligent bots can engage with customers, answer queries, and even process orders, enhancing the overall customer experience. Chatbots free up human agents to focus on more complex tasks, streamlining customer service operations. 

Lead Generation and Lead Scoring 

AI simplifies lead generation by identifying potential customers based on data patterns and past behavior. Lead scoring algorithms rank leads based on their likelihood to convert, allowing marketers to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects. This streamlines the sales process and increases conversion rates. 

AI is further transforming marketing into a dynamic, data-driven discipline. AI empowers businesses to connect with their audiences on a deeper level, enhance customer support and brand reputation, and prioritize efforts that drive higher conversion rates. 

Utilizing AI to revolutionize marketing is not just an option but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. Embrace the AI revolution and unlock the limitless possibilities it offers for your marketing success. 

By the way, this article was written by AI (edited by a human). 


Digimarc: Illuminate Platform Video

Digimarc is a global leader in product digitization, delivering business value across industries through unique identifiers like QR codes and covert watermarks.

Digimarc worked with Viewstream to produce a Platform Explainer Video to show the power of their platform and technology. Viewstream expertly applied 3D animation over stock video to bring the platform to life and show how companies can gain enhanced consumer insights through product digitization.

By showing the inside workings of a technology that is not visible, Viewstream is able to elucidate the value proposition for this hidden technology in a clear and compelling manner in this Platform Explainer. Watch Video

“Working with Digimarc to explain how their platform lets manufacturers “see the world through your products eyes” was a rewarding challenge. Viewstream applied 3D animation over stock video to show the invisible identifiers embedded in product packaging and demonstrate visually the benefits of product digitization.”

Andrew Assalian
SVP of Accounts


SCAN Health Plan: Member Account Portal Video

SCAN Health Plan engaged Viewstream to create an animated explainer video to tout the benefits of creating a member account. A member account gives SCAN members access to a free portal that keeps all your health plan information in one place, organized, and easy to find.

One of the client’s biggest requirements was the importance of clear communication, highlighting ease of use and accessibility for an older and diverse audience. The Viewstream writing team crafted a story that was simple and easy to follow. Viewstream’s creative and animation teams brought the story to life using limited character animation and simplified illustrative screens of the SCAN Member Account website. The video highlighted just how easy it is to create a member account. Our localization team created a Spanish version of the video to extend the reach of the video. Another happy client. Watch Video

“We can all relate to how complicated healthcare and insurance can be. SCAN Health Plan works very hard to make it easy for their members. It feels great to be a part of a project that has the potential to help hundreds of thousands of people.”

Don Sparks
VP of Accounts


Viewstream Does Video Personalization

Elevate your marketing videos and create a more engaging experience for your viewers with video personalization.

By integrating personalized data into your videos, such as the viewer’s name, location, or purchase history, you can create a more tailored and impactful viewing experience. This not only increases engagement but also helps build stronger relationships with your audience and foster greater brand loyalty.

Viewstream’s personalization services can accommodate simple name insertion all the way to complex data-driven personalization.

Create content that stands out and connects with your viewers in a more meaningful way. Contact Aiden Fishbein today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Best regards,
The Team @ Viewstream

Smart branding means constant evolution
Let's Talk

A new view


Smart branding means
constant evolution

February 2023


As trends and styles evolve, even marketing agencies need to adapt their websites to maintain a modern look and feel. Earlier this year, Viewstream launched a website refresh to add more functionality to highlight what makes Viewstream the Brand to Demand Agency. Now it’s even easier to see our award-winning work in action.

Visit the Website

Check out some of our best work developing brand strategy, crafting stunning new websites, producing award-winning video, creating engaging content, and generating demand.



Push the limits of what is possible for your business by partnering with an agency that outperforms in every way.

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We deliver the full creative strategy arc—from brand design to demand generation.

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See how our tailored know-how can bring subject matter expertise to your marketing.

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“Our new website is designed to help you see our latest, innovative work and learn more about our Brand to Demand approach that enables marketing as the engine of your business.”



Datacolor: Spyder Checkr Photo Video

Viewstream has been creating award-winning work for Datacolor for over five years. Datacolor recently approached us with the request to create an explainer video for a new product for photographers called Spyder Checkr Photo. The client wanted a short, concise, easy to understand explainer video that would highlight the value of the new product. Viewstream created a persona-style video using elegant design and animation to help tell this product story. The client was thrilled with the result and requested we localize the video to additional languages. Watch Video.

“Datacolor makes cool products that measure color accurately and allow artists, interior designers, manufacturers, textile, and paint companies to accurately match color for their products. The Viewstream creative team is always thrilled to work on Datacolor projects as the subject matter is ripe for pushing the creative limits regarding color, color theory and color science.”

Don Sparks
VP of Accounts


NXP Semiconductors N-AFE Launch

Viewstream was approached by NXP Semiconductors to help create a launch video for their next-generation semiconductor chip launch known as N-AFE. The green screen testimonial video tells the story of what an ultra-modern, software defined factory looks like today.

A leader in producing chips for factory automation, NXP just launched a new chip that can be configured for different types of inputs such as voltage, current, and resistance. The Viewstream team filmed our speaker in front of a green screen, and later keyed in motion-graphics and supporting infographics to bring the video to life.

Viewstream understands the needs of today’s high-tech pioneers who are producing the chips that enable manufacturers to build “what comes next” after successful digital transformation initiatives. Watch Video.

“Eye catching visual design combined with passionate testimonial makes this launch video both lively and informative.”

Andrew Assalian
SVP of Accounts


Viewstream Makes Video Brochures

Looking to create an engaging experience for your customers? Consider Video Brochures, produced by Viewstream. Combining the best of print, audio, and video, Video Brochures can be used in any high-value touch point and provide limitless applications in sales, marketing, and special events for your business and brand.

Contact Andrew Assalian ( to learn more.

Best regards,
The Team @ Viewstream


Cancer Research Institute Manifesto Video

As part of launching a new brand positioning and identity for Cancer Research Institute (CRI), Viewstream created a manifesto video to communicate the organization’s aspiration and bold vision for the future. Viewstream developed the video to engage stakeholders on an emotional level and inspire them to action. At the same time, the video communicated new brand direction of CRI—helping people fundamentally understand the unique value of the organization and its relevancy to a future immune to cancer. The Viewstream team crafted a memorable and moving piece of creative work that painted a picture of a world transformed through establishing immunotherapy as the fourth pillar in treating cancer. With both visuals and script, the video captured the essence of the organization’s leadership in advancing immunotherapy research to bring curative solutions to cancer patients on a global scale. The video serves as a keystone piece of the new website and various other channels. Watch Video and learn more about the New Website.

“A manifesto or anthem video for any organization, especially one at the cusp of presenting an entirely new brand story to the world, requires the right combination of art and science. You must tell a story about what you offer in a creative way that compels people to act. At Viewstream, we were extremely proud to help advance the story for CRI and engage more people with immunology in the fight against cancer.”

John Assalian


Deloitte Digital & Adobe Omnichannel Customer Journey Campaign

Viewstream partnered with Deloitte Digital and Adobe to develop a comprehensive lead gen campaign focused on providing strategies to help organizations improve overall customer experience and conversion in healthcare & life sciences across the entire omnichannel journey. Consumers across the board now expect personalized experiences, and the healthcare industry is no exception.

The first step was to work the Adobe and Deloitte teams to understand their audience and the nuances that they face within the healthcare & life sciences industries. With that understanding, we crafted the positioning and a narrative that spoke to the very real challenges faced by both current and prospective customers. The campaign included a webinar, video, and a paid media plan, resulting in over 550 registered attendees and significant awareness for the joint solution. View Website

“At Viewstream, we’re relentless about our approach to understanding the why, what, and how of every project we undertake. We start at the very beginning with a robust discovery phase, working through audience personas and figuring out what drives them to make decisions. This strong foundation allows us to craft a relevant narrative and carry that consistent storytelling through all marketing assets and initiatives for maximum engagement.”

Maureen Cole 
VP of Accounts


Viewstream Does SEO/SEM

Viewstream launches SEO/SEM, extending Brand to Demand to this critical arena. With Viewstream SEO/SEM you will receive award winning service, strategy and execution from a trusted team. Our clients find that investment in SEO/SEM generates more traffic and, more importantly, measurable ROI from organic search. We don’t just help you to rank higher, we earn SQLs, pipeline, and customers.

Please reach out to Andrew Assalian ( to schedule an introduction call.

Best regards,
The Team @ Viewstream


The New Look of CRI

Creating a world immune to cancer takes big thinking, and smart partnerships. That’s why New York City based Cancer Research Institute (CRI) tapped Viewstream to develop an all-new website to enhance brand awareness and highlight their new brand positioning, strategic messaging, visual design, identity, and manifesto video – to name a few. The website puts a spotlight on the new positioning “For a World Immune to Cancer” and encourages visitors to dig deeper into the CRI brand experience, learn more on the impact their organization is having on the fight against cancer, and join them in helping to fund immunotherapy research and trials that offer the greatest hope for a world immune to cancer. View Website

“In order to design, develop and launch a website of this size, it required a village. The incredible reach of Viewstream’s talented team is truly impressive. Our Brand to Demand team shined bright as graphic designers, website designers, developers, copywriters, video editors, animators, photographers, and live production teams all came together to create a website and brand experience that will help propel CRI into the next wave of cancer research and scientific discovery. What a great feeling to be part of such an amazing project.”

Jeff Carter 
Account Manager


Adobe Experience Manager Guides

Viewstream was approached by Adobe to help create an explainer video around a new product for technical writers called, Adobe Experience Manager Guides. While companies are going through Digital Transformation to redefine internal workflows and processes and create 1:1 customer experiences, one area that has been left behind is technical product documentation and support content. This content is still typically delivered via static PDF’s and webpages which provide a very limited experience for the customer.

The Viewstream team crafted an engaging story that simplified the complexities of this product. We communicated how the product is solving industry challenges, providing improved customer experiences, and ultimately driving retention and loyalty. The client was thrilled with the final video, and we are now localizing the video in three languages, German, French and Japanese. Watch Video

“One of Viewstream’s superpowers is elevating products and brands through the power of story. In order to do that successfully, we ask a lot of questions and often challenge the answers to those questions. We strip away the complexities to find the simple truths. We understand the target audience and their challenges. We have a deep understanding of our client’s products and solutions and how those solutions are solving industry problems. We connect the dots for the audience in a way that resonates. We then use stunning visual design and animation that increases retention and leaves lasting impressions.”

Don Sparks 
VP of Accounts


Award Winning B2B Explainer Videos All Have These 6 Things in Common

As a highly awarded video production agency that has written and produced hundreds of B2B videos, here are Viewstream’s six tips to lay the groundwork for a great explainer video script. Read Article


Viewstream Does SEO/SEM

Viewstream launches SEO/SEM, extending Brand to Demand to this critical arena. With Viewstream SEO/SEM you will receive award winning service, strategy and execution from a trusted team. Our clients find that investment in SEO/SEM generates more traffic and, more importantly, measurable ROI from organic search. We don’t just help you to rank higher, we earn SQLs, pipeline, and customers.

Please reach out to Andrew Assalian ( to schedule an introduction call.

Best regards,
The Team @ Viewstream

Viewstream, Inc. announced today that it has been ranked no. 55 by the San Francisco Business Times on the 31st annual Fastest Growing Private Companies in the Bay Area list, an exclusive ranking of the region’s fastest-growing private companies; one of the most important segments of the local economy.  The winners and rankings were unveiled at an awards ceremony on October 20, 2022. This is Viewstream’s first year on the list.

“Viewstream gets the continuum of marketing, from brand to demand. We are fast, responsive, creative, and strategic.”

About Viewstream:

We are the award-winning, full-service B2B marketing agency for high-tech companies built on the belief that amazing creative stories can drive your business forward. With 90+ awards and over twenty years of experience, we bring your business to life.

This List includes privately held companies headquartered in the Bay Area, which is defined as Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties. Companies considered for the List must meet the following criteria: 1) Headquartered in the Bay Area; 2) Net revenue of greater than $200,000 in fiscal year 2019; 3) Independent, privately held corporation, proprietorship or partnership (not a subsidiary or division) through fiscal year 2021. Net revenue = revenue less deductions for returns and allowances or credit, when applicable.

“Our region is renowned as a hub for innovation and as an ecosystem that fosters growth companies,” said Mary Huss, Publisher of the San Francisco Business Times. Viewstream, along with all of the companies on the list deserve special recognition because they fuel our regional economy.”


QuantumScape CISO
Employee Spotlight Video

QuantumScape is developing the next generation of EV batteries. They recently partnered with Viewstream to come onsite to their San Jose, CA facility to film their brand new manufacturing facilities and the people who are making it happen.

This Employee Testimonial Video features the CISO discussing what makes QuantumScape such an exciting place to work. This is the first in a series of videos in the HR-focused Employee Spotlight series. The “Hear it from the Team” approach is an ideal communication method to help QuantumScape maintain their ability to attract top talent.

This video features authentic testimonial interspersed with Broll of employee’s, facilities and the brand new battery manufacturing facilities.? Viewstream created a custom introduction montage for the Employee Spotlight series as well as the logo animation paired with an audio brand hammer. Watch Video

“It’s great to be back to live-action video production. Viewstream is helping QuantumScape to create a video series to gain insights from team members and show to the world their manufacturing facilities. Companies like QuantumScape are investing more and more in recruiting assets so they can continue to attract the best and the brightest. This video gives prospective employees a personal look at QuantumScape and the culture that drives their growth.”

Tom Jagger
VP of Onsite & Virtual Production


Capgemini Inspires at Dreamforce

Viewstream helped enhance the Capgemini presence at this year’s Dreamforce event in San Francisco by creating a touch screen experience that enabled patrons visiting their booth to easily and quickly find thought leadership and case study content. The asset was a focal point for the Capgemini booth and users were easily able to find and download these resources right at the booth or on the go from their mobile device. Content was curated from across a number of different business sectors such as Financial Services, B2B and B2C and feature use cases and case studies within a number of solution areas such as MuleSoft Integration, Commerce, Marketing, and Sales. View Website

“While this project was a quick turnaround with a very tight deadline, it was a fantastic opportunity to help one of our valued clients increase their exposure at a world renowned tech conference and provide a valuable user experience to users that demonstrates their broad range of capabilities and experience.”

Don Sparks
VP of Accounts


All great B2B explainer video scripts have these six things in common

As a highly awarded video production agency that has written and produced hundreds of B2B videos, here are Viewstream’s six tips to lay the groundwork for a great explainer video script. Read Article


Viewstream Does SEO/SEM

Viewstream launches SEO/SEM, extending Brand to Demand to this critical arena. With Viewstream SEO/SEM you will receive award-winning service, strategy and execution from a trusted team. Our clients find that investment in SEO/SEM generates more traffic and, more importantly, measurable ROI from organic search. We don’t just help you to rank higher, we earn SQLs, pipeline, and customers.

Please reach out to Andrew Assalian ( to schedule an introduction call.

Best regards,
The Team @ Viewstream

The explainer video is a tried-and-true way to communicate your company’s products and services. But even great writers are challenged to write a short, punchy video script that resonates with viewers.

As a highly awarded video production agency that has written and produced hundreds of B2B videos, here are our six tips to lay the groundwork for a great explainer video script.

1. It all starts with the script(writer)

Writing for an explainer video is an art and certainly not to be confused with written communications. Avoid your video sounding like a PowerPoint recitation by having it written by someone with experience writing for video.

2. Short and concise

A video script should consist of short, pithy statements. Present one idea at a time, reinforced by the visual display. Avoid long run-on sentences that can confuse the audience and cause visuals to lag.

Pro Tip: Ditch the comma and use a period instead.

3. Focus on value

A video is not a live-action elevator pitch. Focus the video story on what you can do for your viewers. Talk about the value that your products and services bring. Provide reasons to believe by including real world results and examples of ROI.

4. Get to the point

Don’t bury the lead! Take no more than six to twelve seconds to get to your point. There is little time for set-up and review of pain points. 

Pro Tip: Keep intro and logo animation to three seconds maximum.

5. Show more, say less

Video is a visual medium – embrace it by showing more and saying less. A video allows you to tell your story in pictures, embrace this over a wordy script. Move viewers with evocative words and imagery. Keep viewers engaged with motion-creative such as kinetic text animation.

6. Feelings precede action

A gut reaction can be formed in three seconds! If you want to persuade someone to take an action, you must first make a connection with them. Known as Emotional Advertising, marketing toward specific emotions has been shown to drive higher conversion rates. At Viewstream, our writers work hand-in-hand with our Creative Director to align script and visuals to meet the strategic goals of the project.

Creating award winning B2B videos is an art and science. As a highly-awarded agency that has been producing video for over twenty years, Viewstream is committed to pushing the creative envelope on every project.

If you want your next B2B explainer video to get attention and obtain measurable results, do these things before you start production:

First define your strategic focus

In discovery, define the goals and target market for the video. Always refer back to this original strategy document when the time comes to make key creative decisions as your video is being built.

S.L.A.P. – Speak like a person

Videos speak with their audience as peers and as plainly as possible. No one wants a lecture; allow people to be a part of your conversation.

Quickly get to the point

Attention spans are measured in seconds. Have a strong opening thesis and get to your supporting points within the first six to ten seconds of the video. Don’t over index on acknowledging pain points.

Start with a strong story

We love consuming stories but without tension there is no story. Without a hero there’s no reason to stay tuned. Story patterns help create anticipation and engagement for your audience.

Show, don’t tell

The visuals can do a lot of the heavy lifting to tell your story. Allow visuals room to tell their part of the story to avoid a verbose script.

Promote actions

Good videos don’t just describe what they’re going to do, they persuade their audience to action. A persuasive marketing video will make an emotional connection with the viewer and conclude with a strong call to action.